My dear friend,
You have chosen a wonderful endeavor that is, Kettlebell sport.
This sport that will make you better in many ways.
This is a sport of patience, skill and a strong mind.
My sport motto is:
"Train as hard as you can and you'll love to compete.
Never quit and you'll respect yourself".
Good luck!
Kettlebell Sport is my passion, my life now that have started as a hobby in 1999.
Now, being an 11 times World Champion, a World Record Holder, Winner of all recognizable Kettlebell Sport competitions for over a decade with non stop,
I still remember very well what it's like to have questions with no answers, being frustrated or failing to make a progress.
Only the reason I've succeed is because I never stopped trying and seeking for answers.
I was strong and disciplined and consistent from the very beginning but I had a big technique issues, lack of mobility, and no drills to fixing those issues.
I learned from the great Coaches: Sergei Rachinskii, Sergei Merkulin, Sergei Rudnev, Igor Novikov, Timofei Nikolaev
and being inspired by such Kettlebell Sport Icons like Eduard Ahramenko, Igor Morozov, Andrei Kravcov, Anton Anasenko, Ivan Denisov, Jonny Benidze, Aleksandr Khvostov, Ilya Tashlanov.
All this great people by their performance and knowledge helped me to answer the questions I've had and helped me to find "MYSELF", because everyone is different and there is no universal training methodology or technique that will fit to everyone, no.
There are some general rules, but you need to follow them considering your own personality and physique to find your own the most effective way to succeed.
I'm glad and lucky I did it, and I'm grateful to God for helping me do not lost the faith, because now I really know how it works,
And I am so excited to share my knowledge and experience with you!
Yes, we all learn from our own mistakes, ups and downs, but I want to be that cushion for you, and help you to build your success likely less painful that mine was, by providing a modern, scientifically proved training methodologies (approved by Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health), effective and safe drills to establish a solid and efficient lifting technique.
I love Coaching at least as much as I love lifting!
Seeing my students hitting a new Personal Records, or Winning a Competitions, getting stronger, healthier and confident making me so happy!!!
It will not be easy, I guarantee that, but we'll have a good laugh and a wide smiles from the bottom of our hearts when we'll get that 10min set done!

I've started Kettlebell Sport practice in 1999 at age 16.
Earned Candidate in Master of Sport Rank in 2001 (Biathlon 24kg);
Earned Master of Sport in 2004 (Biathlon 32kg);
Earned Master of Sport International Class in 2009 (Long Cycle 32kg);
RGSF Russian National Team Member 2008 - 2015;
International Kettlebell Organization Leader
Kettlebell Sport Coach from 2009;
Orange Kettlebell Club Master Coach.
Sporting achievements:
- Long Cycle 2 x 32kg WORLD CHAMPION: 2008, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21;
- Long Cycle 2 x 32kg CHAMPION OF EUROPE: 2008, 09, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18;
- Biathlon 2 x 32kg LATIN AMERICA CHAMPION: 2017;
- Long Cycle 2 x 32kg LATIN AMERICA CHAMPION: 2019;
- Biathlon 2 x 24kg ASIA CHAMPION: 2018;
- Long Cycle 2 x 24kg ASIA CHAMPION: 2019;
- Long Cycle 2 x 32kg CHAMPION OF RUSSIA: 2009, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 (RGSF);
- Biathlon 2 x 32kg USA CHAMPION: 2018, 2020;
- Biathlon 2 x 24kg USA CHAMPION: 2019;
- Long Cycle 2 x 32kg WORLD RECORD HOLDER 101 reps (WAKSC), 2015;
- Long Cycle 2 x 32kg WORLD RECORD HOLDER 91 reps (IUKL), 2015;
- Long Cycle 2 x 40kg WORLD RECORD HOLDER 57 reps (IKSFA), 2010;
*I'm only the person in the World who did 10min long set in Long Cycle with two 40kg kettlebells.
- Long Cycle 2 x 24kg WORLD RECORD HOLDER 150 reps (IKO), 2020;
- Long Cycle 2 x 32kg WORLD GRAND PRIX CHAMPION: 2015, 2016, 2017 (WAKSC);
- Biathlon 2 x 32kg WORLD GRAND PRIX CHAMPION: 2015, 2016, 2017 (WAKSC);
- Long Cycle 2 x 32kg KETTLEBELL WORLD LEAGUE CHAMPION: 2018,2019 (IKO);
- Biathlon 2 x 32kg KETTLEBELL WORLD LEAGUE CHAMPION: 2018,2019 (IKO);
- Long Cycle 2 x 40kg CUP OF CHAMPIONS Absolute Winner: 2007 (IUKL) 34reps in 5min;
- Long Cycle 2 x 32kg CUP OF CHAMPIONS Absolute Winner: 2008 (IUKL) 56reps in 5min;
California Open CHAMPION 2013, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23
Northern California Kettlebell Open Competitions CHAMPION 2013, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23
Saint-Petersburg White Nights World Grand Prix CHAMPION 2012, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
Japan Open Championship CHAMPION 2013, 14, 15, 16
Puerto Rico Open Championship CHAMPION 2016
Kaliningrad Amber Kettlebell Championship CHAMPION 2015, 16, 17
Indonesia Open Championship CHAMPION 2015, 18
Shanghai Open Championship CHAMPION 2016
Niagara Kettlebell Sport Open Championship CHAMPION 2015, 2016
Vancouver Open Championship CHAMPION 2015, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23
Mexico Open Championship CHAMPION 2016, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22
Norway World Grand Prix Championship CHAMPION 2016
Kettlebell Olsztyn Open Championship CHAMPION 2014, 16, 17, 18
Croatia Zagreb Open Championship CHAMPION 2015, 2017
Texas Open Championship CHAMPION 2016
Kecskemet_Hungary Open Championship CHAMPION 2016
Chicago Classic Championship CHAMPION 2016, 2017
Philippine Girevoy Sport Cup CHAMPION 2018,
Pendekar Indonesia Kettlebell Championship CHAMPION 2018,
Peru International Championship CHAMPION 2019, 20, 21, 22, 23
Sports career:
- 1991-2000 training for Martial Arts Federation Kaliningrad (Hand to hand combat),
Candidate of Master of Sports (brown belt).
- 1998-2005 Member of the team Kaliningrad (Kettlebell Sport), Master of Sports.
- 2000-2005 Member of the team Kaliningrad (Arm-wrestling), Candidate in Master of Sports.
- 2005-2007 Self-training (Powerlifting).
- 2007-2008 Member of the team Saint-Petersburg (Kettlebell Sport), Master of Sports International Class.
- 2008-2016 Member of National Team Russia (Kettlebell Sport, professionals, 2*32kg),
Master of Sport International Class.
- 2016-2017 PRO Athlete of EUROFITNESS CLUB, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
- 2017 – to present PRO Athlete of ORANGE KETTLEBELL CLUB, Oakland, CA,USA
- 2007-2010 North-West Institute of Management, St.Petersburg (specialization – the Department of State
and Municipal Administration)
- 2010-2015 Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Lesgaft National State
University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg” (specialization – Kettlebell Sport)
Kettlebell sport coach/business career:
-2009 – 2012 IKSFA (International kettlebell sport and fitness academy) Coach
-2012 - 2017 KETACADEMY/(International teaching kettlebell sport academy) Vice President,
Master Coach
-2014 –2017 WAKSC (World Association of Kettlebell Sport Clubs) Vice President
-2014 to present BELLEVATOR (Professional equipment for kettlebell sport) Founder, Owner
-2017 to present IKO and Kettlebell Sport World League Founder, Leader
-2017 to present ORANGE KETTLEBELL CLUB (Oakland, CA) Master Coach